Hola fetre, De entrada apostaria por que es más eficiente IN que EXISTS , pero. The SQL Server blog spot on the web Sign in. The technique of using EXISTS over COUNT(*) has been widely publicized.

Or is the concept of EXISTS difficult for new programmers to grasp? Now the second half is how do you check if there is a record or not for a particular customer? Below was a quick test I threw together to test out some timings and IO for different methods of performing the same delete transaction using a sub-select, exists. The syntax for DELETE statement with EXISTS or NOT EXISTS is:. One best practice is to run the SQL with SELECT count(*) in the place of DELETE , first, . Often, I see in articles and code a query using the EXISTS logical operator and a Subquery.
However, is it a myth or is it reality that SELECT * vs. Ted Krueger is a SQL Server MVP and Author that has been working in . MIN or MAX, wild subqueries, temp tables, dynamic SQL. Collection of to questions about Firebird Slow, IN, NOT IN, query, exists , optimizer.
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